Download Now Server 1 Download Now Server 2 Download Now Server 3 When you are looking for a typeface that can carry a tech message to readers, helps make communication easier and looks good, too – chances are high that you’ll select a geometric sans serif. These are the typefaces of today and tomorrow. From the headlines on news websites to the texts in apps and even company logos rendered large or small, geometric sans serifs are everywhere. Since it is part of the Duplet superfamily, you can combine Duplet Open with its relatives: Duplet and Duplet Rounded. Each contains seven weights ranging from Thin through ExtraBold, all with companion italics. The fonts include more than 450 glyphs, covering all the European languages written with the Latin script. Since the Duplet Open fonts are geometric, the round characters and round-parts of letters appear either as circles or slanted circular forms (like you see in the italics). Duplet Open ’s letterforms are very low-contrast with stro...